June is traditionally the month when many cities host pride events.
These celebrations have changed over the past 41 years since the Stonewall riots kick started the Gay Rights movement.
Canadians can be thankful for having equal legal rights which, it seems royally pisses off the homophobes as hate crimes against gays have increased nearly 20% since 2008.
There is still much to do before every LGBT person can hold hands in public, bring their boy (girlfriend) home to the parents or open a joint bank account without being self conscious or afraid for their safety.
As we mark the 41st anniversary of the Stonewall riots and the 40th anniversary of the first Gay Rights march,take a moment to think about your gay friends and family; send them a good thought and when you see them, give them a great big hug.
The Out at the Center piece gave me chills. I found myself realizing that our Gay Pride parades, as they are now called, stemmed from a need; a need for Gays & Lesbians to MArch, to protest for their RIGHTS. It wasn't about the glittery costumes or how much skin was showing; it was simply about DARING to walk together as an identifiable group & claiming the simple freedom of sitting together in a park, that is meant to belong to everyone, and do all the things that most heterosexual people take for granted: sitting close to your lover, kissing them, holding their hand, licking ice cream from his or her ice cream cone.
ReplyDeleteI am blessed to have alot of gay men as friends,and i forget the struggles they went through, and sometimes still go through:
I love you & am in awe of your strength & resilience!
Thanks, anonymous. I realize that some people may wonder why I go on about this issue as I am far from being persecuted for being gay. However, many people still are. And though LGBT Canadians don't face corporal punishment or imprisonment, we still deal with stigmatization: in other parts of the world - they face death.
ReplyDeleteAS King said: "“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
This is a great post Ray, thank you for sharing. I must say, I definitely have a new appreciation for the strength that is shown at these events. I always just looked at them as a celebration but now realize it goes much deeper than that. I guess it's easy to see things one way when you never had to walk in anothers shoes. All the best Ray.
ReplyDeleteIt is a celebration, Ryan. A celebration of being free to be to be you and me - as Marlo Thomas would say. I appreciate your insight. Thanks.