Friday, December 18, 2009

Social Media Revolution

This is a re-posting of an excellent video produced by the authors of "Socialnomics".

"Social Media Revolution: Is social media a fad?

Or is it the biggest shift since the Industrial Revolution? This video details out social media facts and figures that are hard to ignore. This video is produced by the author of Socialnomics."

Cool music too...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Retro Xmas videos

These videos are a gift from my Monctonian Christmas elf - Brian Cormier, a fellow Christmas kitsch aficionado.
Enjoy a glimpse of what Christmas was like in the olden days when I was but a young innocent pouring out a glass of milk and setting out some cookies for Santa. (OK, I'm from Lewis Street; a bottle of Alpine and un gros mess de poutine rapées.)

And now, don't forget to sing along with the bouncing egg.

Will the world ever sing in perfect harmony? Maybe that can be our Christmas wish this year.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Need Christmas Spirit? CBC Christmas Sing-In delivers!

Here's one of my favourite carols which I heard at yesterday's CBC Christmas sing-in. I had a wonderfully Christmas time. The choir was incredible and being among a thousand other fine voices; singing with an amazing choir, brass ensemble and organ was very empowering.

Walking out of the church and into a snowy city wonderland just added that little bit extra to the feeling of really having kicked off the Christmas season. I enjoyed singing with my very fine tenor husband and my very talented and beautiful BFF. I recommend the event highly.

The concert will be broadcast on CBC radio here and in Europe several times over the holidays:

December 20th
The CBC Christmas Sing-In will be heard around the world on members stations of the European Broadcasting Union, as part of the Euroradio Special Day of Christmas Music.

On Christmas Day:

The CBC Christmas Sing-In will be rebroadcast across Canada on Christmas Day on these channels and at these times:

CBC Radio 2 at 9:00 am with host Kelly Rice
CBC Radio 1 at 12:00 pm with host Kelly Rice
Find your frequency for CBC Radio 1 and CBC Radio 2

Espace Musique at 4:30 pm with host Mario Paquet
Find your frequency for Espace Musique.

Sirius Satellite Radio (Channel 137) at various times.

You will also be able to tune in to the Sing-In on CBC Radio 2's Concerts on Demand website.

The program's accent was on Canadian music and arrangements, thus my choice of the Huron Carol for the video.

The images of winter I feel compliment the song. It's how I imagined it to be on those cold 17th century nights when the Jesuit missionaries composed this song in the Algonquin language to brainwash the natives.

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