Thursday, November 4, 2010

It Gets Better Canada

'We lived in a Will & Grace world thinking that everything was fine. And then we started hearing in September that our kids were killing themselves, and we knew we had to do something about it.'   —TV host Tommy Smythe, co-organizer of It Gets Better Canada

The It Gets Better Project now has a Canadian version. Because as we know, homophobic bullying and teen suicide knows no boundaries.

"The more you read these stories. The more you realize that as an adult, no matter how bad things get, you'll never have to go to Grade 9 ever again." -Rick Mercer
 (Read this article via CBC - Getting the message out)

Grab a coffee and watch. Knowledge is power.

LGBT Canadians share their stories for the It Gets Better Project, including Rick Mercer, Rex Harrington, Diane Flacks, Tommy Smythe, Enza Anderson, the cast of MTV's 1g5g, Joeffer Caoc, David Dixon, Deb Pearce, Peter Fallico and many more

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