Saturday, October 17, 2009

Singing and dancing with GLEE!

I Say A Little Prayer
– from GLEE

Yes, I admit, hubby and I are real big fans of GLEE. With singing and dancing football players, vulnerable, but bitchy cheerleaders, a way cool teacher, and a gym coach that made mine look like Mr. Rodgers; the show almost makes me nostalgic for those somber hallowed halls of Moncton High. Almost.

Now, you throw in some show tunes with a smattering of Burt Bacharach and you’ve got gay-bait written all over it. So it comes to no surprise that there are a lot of us huddling around the TV projecting ourselves onto those singing and dancing younger versions of ourselves or what had wished was us. If only life could just be a musical?

But it's not, Blanche, it's not. But we do have You Tube where we can all be Micky and Judy (look it up, kids); and put on our own show. So it came to no surprise that I should happen upon this little gem via Towelroad.

Now, for you straight friends, this may be a little scary. Not just because it’s so gay that it makes Perez Hilton look like Don Cherry, (actually , he does a bit, doesn't he?) but because these guys could be the blue collar worker than you passed along the street today (If that street was Ste-Catherine somewhere in the vicinity of Priape’s)

Now, I don’t know why all those religious type folk in Maine get their britches in knots over the fear that letting gay people marry will expose their children to corruption. Probably because the Catholic Church, who is spearheading the fight to roll back civil rights in our neighbouring state, has very intimate experience with exposing themselves to children, and as for corruption?.

In any case, one look at this video and you will see that we are not to be feared. Instead of stalking innocents and desecrating the sanctity of marriage, we are just as pleased as punch to go down to the family room and play with, uh, amoung ourselves. There now, feel safer?

I Say a Little Prayer – The “otter” version

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Monday, October 12, 2009

And now a word from your blogger…

I haven’t been posting much lately as those few who check in have noticed. Reasons? Well, to tell the truth I’ve been in a bit of a funk lately. A lot of things have changed in my life, work, home, seasons – and I haven’t been adapting to these changes very well. Normally, I’m a guy who loves change, is challenged and stimulated by looking forward to something new.

This is a bit ironic I suppose because as a kid I wanted nothing more than security and routine.
There’s comfort in knowing what to expect (except when what’s expected isn’t so comforting).

One of the primary rules in writing a blog is to write about something that you’re passionate about. When you’re feeling tired, old and irrelevant, passion is very hard to come by. ( I feel that I could use some spiritual Viagra.) So, I’ve taken a bit of a break and posted a few videos that I found interesting or amusing - nothing very original or insightful. You see, I have had this problem all of my life of trying to meet other people’s expectations, of trying to not disappoint anyone. It’s a common gay affliction: the best boy syndrome.

Consequently, I haven’t been completely candid and if I can’t be honest with what is essentially an electronic diary, well….

I started this blog to express my view of the world and to motivate me to write.

So, I’m going to make an effort to write things that matter to me without censuring myself. I will write of matters that have personal resonance for me, I will rant about political stupidity and cultural myopia. And I will be focusing on civil and human rights as they apply to my neighbour, my province, my country, my world. And I may just post some totally useless and campy items because they make me smile or remember.

So let’s start off with this very inspiring speech by David Mixner a renown political activist and Democrat who tells the crowd at this weekend’s National Equality March in Washington .that they “stand on the shoulders of giants”…

Finally, at the end of this Canadian Thanksgiving Day Weekend, I want to express my thanks for The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms for protecting us from the tyranny of the majority and thus ensuring that my marriage will never have to fall victim to a misguided democratic grass roots movement as happened in California and threatens to take place in Maine.

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