Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Geefully awaiting Glee

Had a rough couple of days. Feeling angry at the world, worried about what happens when my current work contract ends in a couple of months and the crap that's going on in the world is pissing me off.

I need a shot of GLEE.

I know, it's simplistic and no High School was ever like this, not even the Fiorello H. La Guardia High School of Music and the Arts. Got news for you - you're not goin' to live forever!

The reason Glee works is because it's a fairytale. Even "Miss Musical Me" has a hard time swallowing the contrived plot twists and turns, but like any Micky and Judy Busby Berkley classic, it's all about the musical numbers. And I heard that this season they are supposed to have even more. I thought an hour had just 60 minutes.

What gets me past the contrivance is that there is no pretense to being anything other what what it is - a 21st century version of Carol Burnett's mini-musicals.

So tonight I will forget for 65 minutes, my personal problems; the sex abuse scandals; the farce that is Quebec politics; the lack of leadership and balls in our Federal Liberal Party and the tragedy of poverty and displacement in a country that is blessed with wealth and resources.

Here's a funny spoof followed by a typical "gleeful" trailer for the most hyped show this season.

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